fredag 12 november 2010


Hello, fellow readers.

This blogg will be about the Swedish culture. I will try to teach you what I know about the culture. Me myself don’t know too much about it, but I’ll tell you what I know.

We’ll start with the Famouse People.

Famous people

Today I will tell you about two famous people, one of them is more famous than the other in our generation (Teenagers).

The first one I will tell you about is an artist known as Basshunter. He was born 1984 and he’s a Swedish producer and singer-songwriter. He’s best known by his famous songs ”Boten Anna” and ”When You’re Gone”
He started to produce music under the stage-name Basshunter in 2002 with a computer program named ”Fruity Loops”.

The second person I’ll talk about is Ingemar Johansson. He was the heavyweight champion of the world in 1959. He was the fifth champion of heavyweight outside of the states and by the time he retired, in 1963, he had 26 victories, 17 of em was by knockouts, and only two losses!

Swedish Food

Today I will introduce you to the Swedish food.

There are quite a few common meals in Sweden, for example Smorgasbord. This is pretty much like the famous Julbord. The host of the ”meal” chooses what to have on the serving table and the guests get to choose by them self what to eat from it.

Meatballs with mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam is a common meal here as well, we’ve used it for centuries.

The last traditional food I will bring up is Kräftskiva, known as crayfish party in English. These parties usually takes place in late summer and early-mid autumn due to that crayfishing had a law earlier in Sweden, you could only fish them during august.


In this post, I will tell you about the Swedish Folk Music.

Swedish Folk Music is a music genre that is based on folkloric collection work that began in the early nineteenth century. The primary instrument was the fiddle, but the famous nyckelharpan played an important part here as well.

Frifot was a famous trio that was fromed 1987. The members in this trio was Lena Willemark, Per Gudmundson and Ale Möller.

In 2003 Frifot won the grammy award for the best folk music album.


So, now I’ll tell you what I know about Swedish sports.

Some sports in Sweden are huge, other aren’t that big.

In football, we’ve had three, what I know, famous people. There was Fredrik Ljungberg, don’t know much about him, Henrik Larsson, what I know about him is that he was awesome, and then there’s Zlatan Ibrahimovic, I know quite much about Zlatan.

He started off in Malmö FF in the late 1990s. He was signed by Ajax and in Ajax he made a name for himself and later he signed with Juventus for 16 millions euros.

In 2006 he signed with the rivals, Inter. in this team he won Guldbollen. In 2009 he signed with the famous team, FC BArcelona, but he didnt get along with their leader so he moved to AC Milan where he plays now.

Swedish History

This will be my last post and this one will be about the Swedish history.

In Sweden, we have a lot of petroglyphs, the oldest of them was found in Jämtland and it was dating from 5000 BC!
The petroglyphs was made by people in the stone-age and they depict elk, reindeer, bears and seals. Also they’ve found petroglyphs that used a sexual theme and they were dating from 800-500 BC.

The vikings plays a huge part in Swedish history. They were known as savages that raided and ravaged Europe as they stole valuable things from everyone around Europe. The vikings lived in year 800-1500.

In 1523 Gustav Vasa was fighting for an independent Sweden. During the 17th century, after winning against Denmark, Russia and Poland, Sweden-Finland emerged as a great power by taking direct control of the Baltic region. The Baltic region was Europe’s main source of grain, iron, copper, timber, tar, hemp and furs.

This is what I know about the Swedish culture and I hope you readers learned something about our culture.